Dear user,

in accordance with the Privacy Code and subsequent changes introduced by European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l. wishes to inform you of the following.

The data of which IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l. will become aware of at the time of your registration and subsequently because of your use of the services on the Site will be treated in accordance with the provisions of article 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 and articles 13 and 14 of European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) on the protection of personal data.



The data controller of personal data is the company IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l., with registered office in Bitonto (Ba), Via delle Fornaci, n.c., Italia, postal code 70032, VAT number: 05708270722; certified e-mail address: [email protected], registered with the Bari Chamber of Commerce under no. BA-435259, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore, Mr. Francesco Marrone.

The data of which IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l. will become aware at the time of your registration and on the other hand because of your use of the services on the Site will be treated in accordance with the provisions of article 13 of Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 and statutes. 13 and 14 of European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) on the protection of personal data.



Your data will be collected and used exclusively for purposes directly connected and instrumental to the purchase process and your use of the services provided by the Site, or for marketing purposes and for sending advertising material.

It is possible to deny your consent to the processing of your data at any time, even after having given your consent, by sending an e-mail to the address  [email protected].

Failure to give your consent to the use of your personal data will prevent you from registering on our site and using the services therein.

Your data will be used by IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l. exclusively for purposes related to the services provided through the Site or for marketing and commercial promotion purposes, as well as may be communicated to specific subjects and appointed by the Data Controller for the provision of instrumental services and connected to the Services provided on the Site or to the business management.

In particular, the data may be disclosed to:

  1. people, companies or professional firms, which provide assistance, consultancy or collaboration to IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l. in IT, accounting, administrative, legal, tax and financial matters;
  2. subjects delegated and / or appointed by IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l. to transport, logistics and packaging;
  3. employees and / or companies appointed by IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l. customer service management;
  4. carriers responsible for the delivery of the purchased products;
  5. to Public Administrations for the performance of institutional functions within the limits established by law or regulations;
  6. to the suppliers of IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l., exclusively where this is strictly necessary to allow the Customer to obtain the replacement of the purchased products or the right of withdrawal;
  7. to Web media Partners who manage the flow of data on the website or who use data deriving from cookies to which the user has consented.

The Company has appointed Mr. Pasquale Marrone, in his capacity as sole director of IDROMECCANICA RAMTEC s.r.l .

User data is not subject to disclosure.


  1. Data processing methods

This site uses log files in which information collected in an automated manner is stored during user visits. The information collected could be the following:

– Internet protocol address (IP);

– Type of browser and device parameters used to connect to the site;

– Name of the internet service provider (ISP);

– Date and time of visit;

– Web page of origin of the visitor (referal) and exit;

– Possibly the number of clicks.

The aforementioned information is collected in an automated form and in an exclusively aggregated form to verify the correct functioning of the site and for security reasons. This information will be treated based on the legitimate interests of the owner.

For security purposes (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection) the automatically recorded data may possibly also include personal data such as the IP address, which could be used, in accordance with the laws in force on the subject, to block attempts to damage the site. same or to cause damage to other users or activities that are harmful or constituting a crime. These data are never used for the identification or profiling of the user, but only for the purpose of protecting the site and its users, such information will be used based on the legitimate interests of the owner.

If the site allows the insertion of comments, or in the case of specific services requested by the user, including the possibility of sending the Curriculum Vitae for a possible working relationship, the site automatically detects and records some identification data of the user, including the email address. These data are voluntarily provided by the user at the time of the request for service provision. By entering a comment or other information, the user expressly accepts the privacy policy and agrees that the contents entered are freely disseminated to third parties. The data received will be used exclusively for the provision of the requested service and only for the time necessary for the provision of the service.

The information that users of the site will deem to make public through the services and tools made available to them, are provided by the user knowingly and voluntarily, exempting this site from any liability for any violations of the laws. It is up to the user to verify that they have permission to enter personal data of third parties or content protected by national and international standards.



Your data will be collected, processed, and stored on electronic media and through operations carried out mainly with the aid of electronic tools that can guarantee their confidentiality and protection in the event of intrusion and unauthorized access. For this purpose, the Data Controller guarantees that it has adopted appropriate security measures to preserve the integrity of the data and the protection of the area and premises where the computer media on which your personal data are stored are kept.

Your data will be processed for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data were collected in compliance with the civil, fiscal and tax obligations provided for by the regulations in force, so that at the end of this period the data will be deleted and destroyed. from the computer system and will no longer be accessible.



The optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.



The user can also manage cookies through the settings of his browser.

Clearing the cookies from the browser could remove the preferences you have set for the site.

For further information and support, you can also visit the specific help page of the web browser you are using:

– Internet explorer

– Firefox

– Safari

– Chrome



This site also incorporates plugins and / or buttons of social networks, to allow easy sharing of content on your favourite social networks.

These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies when accessing the page to safeguard user privacy.

Eventually, cookies are set, if so, provided by social networks, only when the user makes effective and voluntary use of the plugin. When the user browses logged into the social network, he has already consented to the use of cookies conveyed through this site when registering with the social network.

The collection and use of information obtained through the plugin are governed by the respective privacy policies of the social networks, to which please refer:

– Facebook

– Twitter

– Google +


  1. COOKIE 

Cookies are small files that are sent to the browser and saved on the user’s device when they visit our site. Cookies increase the efficiency and operation of the site, helping to provide information to the site owner for statistical or advertising purposes, as well as to customize and improve navigation based on user preferences.

This website uses cookies for promotional and marketing purposes, to personalize content and ads, as well as to provide social media features and analyse traffic.

In this perspective, information about how our site is used is shared with Partners who deal with web-data analysis, advertising, and social media communication. The resulting data flow relates to other information that the user has already left to the Partners or that they have collected by virtue of the use that the user has already made of their services.

Current legislation establishes that cookies can be stored on the user’s device only if strictly necessary for the operation of the site.

On the contrary, for all other types of cookies, the law in force requires the user’s express consent.

This site uses different types of cookies:

a) Technical cookies: they are used for navigation and to facilitate access and use of the site by the user. Technical cookies are essential, for example, to access Google or Facebook without having to log in to all sessions. They are also so in very delicate operations such as those of home banking or payment by credit card or by means of other systems.

b) Statistical or “analytics” cookies: they are used for the purpose of optimizing the site, directly by the owner of the site, who can collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on how they visit the site. Under these conditions, the same rules apply to analytics cookies, in terms of information and consent, provided for technical cookies.

c) Profiling cookies: they are cookies useful to favour the correct use of the site by the user. They are used, for example, to keep track of the chosen language.

d) Advertising cookies: these cookies are intended to provide advertising spaces. They can be installed by the site owner or by third parties. Some are used to recognize individual advertisements and know which ones were selected and when. Other advertising cookies are used to hypothesize a user’s browsing “profile”, to be able to propose advertising messages in line with his behaviour and interests on the network. This “profile” is anonymous, and the information collected through these cookies does not allow to trace the user’s identity. In this case, the cookie presides over one of the systems which drives the so-called “behavioural advertising”.

e) social network cookies: these are cookies that allow you to share the contents of the site you are visiting with other users. These cookies are typically used to activate the “Like” or “Follow” functions of Social Networks such as Facebook and Twitter, just to name a few. These features allow Social Networks to identify its users and collect information even while they browse other sites.

Some cookies relate to third party services that appear on our pages and for which only third parties are responsible.

At any time, it is possible to modify or revoke the consent given by returning to the “Cookie Policy” page of our site and clicking on the “customized options”.



Pursuant to the 2016/679 European Regulation and the Privacy Code, the user has the right to request and obtain from the Data Controller, at any time, confirmation of the existence of the data communicated and the purposes for which they are used, as well as updating or rectification or cancellation, as well as to oppose their treatment, by sending a request to the following e-mail address: [email protected].

Article 13 paragraph 2 of the 2016/679 EU Regulation lists the user’s rights, and in particular:

– right of the interested party to ask the owner for access to personal data (Article 15 of the EU Regulation), their updates (Article 7, paragraph 3, letter a of Legislative Decree 196/2003), rectification ( article 16 EU Regulation), integration (article.7, paragraph 3 letter a of Legislative Decree 196/2003), the limitation of the treatment that concerns the user (article 18 EU Regulation) or to oppose, for legitimate reasons, to their processing (Article 21 of the EU Regulation), in addition to the right to data portability (Article 20 of the EU Regulation);

– right to request cancellation (Article 17 of the EU Regulation), transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed (Article 7 paragraph 3, letter b of Legislative Decree 196/2003);

– the right to obtain the attestation that the updates, rectification, integration of data, cancellation, data blocking, transformation have been made aware of, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or widespread, except in the case in which this fulfilment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right (Article 7 paragraph 3, letter c of Legislative Decree 196/2003).

Requests can be addressed to the data controller at the email address or using the model provided by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

In case of violation of the law, the user has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data, as the authority responsible for monitoring the processing in Italy.

For a more in-depth examination of the rights that compete with you, see articles 15 and followings of EU Regulation 2016/679 and article 7 of Legislative Decree. 196/2003.



1. The owner notifies the Guarantor of the processing of personal data which he intends to proceed, only if the treatment concerns:

– genetic, biometric or data indicating the geographical location of persons or objects via an electronic communication network;

– data suitable for revealing the state of health and sexual life, processed for the purposes of assisted procreation, provision of health services electronically relating to databases or the supply of goods, epidemiological investigations, detection of mental, infectious and diffusive diseases, seropositivity, organ and tissue transplantation and monitoring of health expenditure;

– data suitable for revealing sexual life or the psychic sphere, processed by associations, bodies and non-profit organizations, even if not recognized, of a political, philosophical, religious or trade union nature;

– data processed with the aid of electronic tools aimed at defining the profile or personality of the interested party or to analyse consumption habits and choices or to monitor the use of electronic communication services with the exclusion of treatments technically essential to provide the services the same to users;

– sensitive data recorded in databases for the purpose of selecting personnel on behalf of third parties as well as sensitive data used for opinion polls, market research and other sample research;

data recorded in specific databases managed with electronic tools and relating to the risk on economic solvency, the financial situation, the correct fulfilment of obligations, illegal or fraudulent behaviour.



The site processes user data in a lawful and correct manner, adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of data. The processing is carried out using IT and / or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated.

In addition to the owner, in some cases, categories of employees involved in the organization of the site (administrative, marketing, commercial, legal, system administrators) or external subjects such as (as suppliers of third party technical services, postal couriers) may have access to the data. , hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies).


This document is published on the site and constitutes the privacy policy of this site.

It may be subject to changes or updates. In the case of significant changes and updates, these will be reported with specific notifications to users.

The document was updated on 23/09/2022 to comply with the relevant regulatory provisions and with EU Regulation 2016/679.

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